Venture Studio Family
Paid P2P online community for startup studios, venture studios, & venture builders
Upcoming Zoom Meetings
Milun Tesovic
@ Expa
August 21
Elliott Parker
@ High Alpha Innovation
August 7
Upcoming Zoom Meetings
Milun Tesovic
@ Expa
August 21
Elliott Parker
@ High Alpha Innovation
August 7
After publishing my 7-month research on startup studios, I got connections to hundreds of studios worldwide; we held the biggest Venture Studio Online Conferences...

... It's a super opportunity for all studios to access investors who understand the venture studio model, the best practices, and useful content... as well as educate the market on the venture studio model.

I'm inviting 1) established studios, 2) emerging studios, & 3) aspiring studio founders to join the Venture Studio Family.

Max Pog
3x Entrepreneur
  • 35
    • established studios
    • emerging studios
    • aspiring studio founders

What do you get?

Access to Investors
  • Access to the database of investors familiar with the venture capital studio model
  • Pitch slot at our Demo Day quarterly
P2P Zoom Calls
  • 1-hour call in groups of 5-10 peers
  • Guest speakers from notable studios
  • 2 timing options for different regions
Access to Content
  • Recordings & summaries of previous Zoom calls
  • Catalog of topical articles, memos, and templates from our podcast
  • Bonuses and benefits from our online conferences: LinkedIn networking bases, video recordings, speakers' slides, and contribution hacks
Individual Requests
  • Personalized intros
  • Special meetings tailored to your interests, such as industry focus, region, etc.

Upcoming Zoom calls

  • August 7th
    Elliott Parker, CEO @ High Alpha Innovation
  • August 21st
    Milun Tesovic, Partner @ Expa
Join and get access to recordings & summaries of previous Zoom calls
Attracting Founders
Family members shared their best practices and cases on:
  • the whole process of attracting founders,
  • channels of collecting applications and searching for candidates,
  • selection criteria and assessment methods,
  • pros/cons of different categories of founders,
  • terms they offer, equity split, etc.
Revenue Streams for a Studio
Guest speakers & topics:
  • Creating a bootstrap startup studio in Latamby Lucas Lopatin, Founder @ Indie Build
  • How to keep having zero cash-burn for 4 years by Inge Grini, Co-Founder & CEO @ Intellectual Labs AS
  • The main hacks to get cash flow for a studioby Shilpa Kannan, Sr. Product Manager @ Amazon and the co-author of Venture Studios Demystified
  • Making a venture studio profitable almost from day 1 by Aleksander Meidell-Hagewick, Managing Partner & Chairman @ MILIEU
Fundraising into Studio & Fund
Guest speakers & topics:
  • Mamazen Studio's practices for fundraising by Farhad Alessandro Mohammadi, Founder & CEO @ Mamazen
  • Fundraising practices in The Heart by Jedrzej Iwaszkiewicz, Co-founder & CCO @ the Heart
  • Studio Fundraising: Networking with potential investors and post-fundraising relations by Sharon Klaver, Co-Founder & Managing Director @ Builders
  • Overview of the fundraising process by Nathan Beckord, Founder & CEO @ Fundingstack
Studio Team
Guest speakers & topics:
  • Team Composition, Trust and Team Dynamics and Stock Option Plans by Farhad Alessandro Mohammadi, CEO @ Mamazen
  • Effective Team Composition and Founder-Centric Approach by Chris Kelly, Co-Founder & General Partner @ Stackpoint Ventures (formerly Gemini)
Family members also shared their team structures, level of involvement of employees per project, motivation & remuneration, interaction with advisors and venture partners, outsourcing, etc.
Idea Generation
Guest speakers & topics:
  • Sources of Ideas by Max Volokhov, CEO @ Mitgo Ventures
  • AltaML Venture Studio Overview by Craig Haney & Cassy Sides @ AltaML
Family members also shared their practices of idea generation techniques, validation, the role of the core team, scalability, tools, etc.
Studio Scaling Strategies
Guest speakers:
  • Quentin Nickmans, Founder & Partner @ Hexa (scaled from eFounders) – studio with 3 unicorns out of 40+ startups launched (portfolio valuation: $5B+).
  • Marc Wesselink, Co-Founder @ venturerock, – building 15+ startups with a 72-step venture development program, and investing in proprietary Venture Studios.
  • Michael Ellenby, Director of Strategic Partnerships @ Coplex, – launched 150 startups since 2016 and came to the model of launching studios for corporates.
Best practices of the Pioneer Square Labs
T.A. McCann, Managing Director @ Pioneer Square Labs shared his insights on:
  • Building a Successful Venture Studio: Founding Team, Criteria, and Structure
  • Fundraising
  • Validation stage
  • The importance of having a clear focus on vertical, geographic, business model, and founder
OSS Ventures Fundraising Case

Renan Devillieres, founder and CEO @ OSS Ventures, shared his experience of securing €8.5M for their startup studio.
  • Identifying and approaching potential investors
  • Key investors involved
  • Timeline from initial contact to closing the deal
  • Key challenges
  • The most difficult questions posed by investors
Join and get access to the bonuses and benefits from our online conferences
Venture Studio Online Conferences 1 & 2
  • Video & Slides
  • 900+ LinkedIn Networking base incl. 120 established, 234 emerging, and 246 just starting studios
  • 80+ Venture Studio hacks on Launching a new studio, Managing a studio, Attracting the best founders, Fundraising for venture studio & its startups, Attracting advisors, network & government support, Defining problems, generating and testing ideas, Reaching PMF before MVP
Venture Studio Online Conference 3
  • Video & Slides
  • 650+ LinkedIn Networking base incl. 500 Venture Studio founders and stakeholders, 403 Startups, 187 Angels, 90 VCs, 44 GPs, 19 LPs, 12 Funds of Funds, 28 Family Offices, 16 PE firms
  • 40 lessons learned from the biggest failures by Venture Studios & Startups
Venture Capital Online Conference
  • Video & Slides
  • 1000+ LinkedIn Networking base incl. 144 GPs, 65 LPs, 227 Angels, 48 Family Offices, 179 VCs, 344 Venture Studios, 501 Startups
  • 70+ Venture Studio hacks on Fundraising for VC funds, Deal flow creation, Investment decision-making, etc.
Family Office Online Conference
  • Video & Slides
  • 800+ LinkedIn Networking base incl. 81 Family Offices, 152 VCs, 223 Venture Studios, 24 PE Firms, 16 Funds of Funds, 112 Angels, 30 LPs, 215 Startups.
  • 45 Hacks related to FOs and relations with them: structure & team, diversification of the investment portfolio, investment decision-making, how to set relations; how to set up relationships with Family Offices for investments, etc.
Corporate Venture Builder Online Conference
  • Video & Slides
  • 500+ LinkedIn Networking Base incl. 118 CVBs, 204 Venture studios, 61 Corporate executives, 157 Startups, 49 Exited founders, 71 Angels, 42 GPs, 12 LPs, 53 VCs, 5 Funds of Funds, 30 Family Offices, 7 PE firms.
  • 40+ Corporate Venture Building hacks aimed at enhancing partnerships, streamlining CVB models, and navigating the corporate venture landscape.
Fund of Funds & Family Office Online Conference
  • Video & Slides
  • ~3000 LinkedIn Networking Base incl. 241 Single Family Offices, 80 Multi Family Offices, 429 Advisors to FOs & HNWIs, 155 Funds of Funds, 266 LPs, 1099 VCs, 194 PE funds, 481 Venture Studios, 236 Exited Founders, 527 Angels.
  • 70+ Capital Hacks on Fundraising, Investing and Capital Allocation.

Join the community for $2000 annually

Pay online or request an invoice
If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions:
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